Linkedin Contacts Segmentation | NexGenDesign
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Linkedin Contacts Segmentation

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Description: Linkedin connections segmentation and integration with Mailchimp for induction lighting company’s lead generation activities.

Customer: Private entrepreneur, the USA.

Challenge: Our customer provides induction lighting for growers and uses Linkedin for lead generation. He has been using Linkedin only for adding new connections and needed help to adjust it to his business needs. He had an account with business contacts which he needed to segment by location and industry. At the moment he was aimed to sort out niche growers who produced cannabis to further contact them and convert. After that he planned to contacting writers of the industry.

Solution: We’ve conducted a detailed segmentation for 2880 contacts in our clients’ contact list. By the time we delivered the project there were already 3 000 connections overall. All connections were segmented by location: country and state; and specialisation: those engaged with cannabis production and 5 other categories of those working in the industry (pharmaceutical companies, pharmacies, distributors etc.). After that we’ve uploaded the labeled contact list into Mailchimp to start the email marketing campaign. We also tested a promo mailout with a bonus for connecting on Linkedin. The response rate was 20% through the campaign. We helped our client get into the Linkedin and operate it himself.

Technology: Data analysis, Linkedin.

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