Description: Online testing tool for the ad replacement service. It allows to check accuracy of new ads placed and reports issues to the testing team.
Client: US enterprise.
Challenge: Our client runs an online browser with an application that blocks ads from untrusted or unwanted resources and replaces them with ads from trusted websites. But at the testing stage they found out the app crashed some replaced ads and displayed them with defects (wrong banner size, incorrect font or style, messed colors etc.) So the customer requested a tool that would track and check that app correctly displayed the ads from trusted sources.
Solution: The tool we are developing checks whether the app correctly displays the ad on the website. It compares the website appearance of 2 websites with the same ad: the replaced one with the original ad on website where it was taken from. If any bugs and inaccuracies are revealed between them, the tool reports the problem to the admin.
Technologies: .NET, MSSQL, Selenium WebDriver, IIS.
Development stage: project in progress.
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