Description: Online gambling community with information about popular slots and online casinos, their ratings and reviews.
Client: Private entrepreneur.
Challenge: One of the main challenge for online slots and casinos lays in the fact that users usually play a certain game for a short period of time. The main project goals were to achieve low bounce rate, low churn rate, and high retention rate.
Solution: The team has worked on the entire project including back and front end, UX designs, HTML/CSS slicing, QA and testing. The community includes a number of socialization and gamification elements like a timeline which shows the latest news of the website. The Bonuses section helps make the process of choosing a casino easier. Since some casinos are not available in certain countries so the website was equipped with user location tracking feature. Each game has a review with screenshots allowing users to learn more about the game before actually playing it. The website has its own system of points (S-points) that users can earn for taking certain actions (e.g. registering, leaving a comment, rating a game etc.)
Technologies: PHP, MySQL, Web 2.0, JavaScript, AJAX, Jquery, HTML/CSS, Zend Framework.
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